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Personalised photo frame with photo upload

Personalised photo frame with photo upload

Personalise this photo frame with your own photos, then add a message to the back of the frame.

Choose from over 100 designs.

Our photo frames come in a variety of styles, colours and sizes so there's something for everyone. You can choose from over 100 designs, each one featuring a different image. Simply upload your favourite images to the frame using our easy online editor.

Add text or upload your own images.

We also offer an option to add custom text to any of our frames. If you'd prefer not to use our online editor, simply email us at with your order details and we'll send you a proof before production begins.

Customise with your own message.

You can choose between two frame styles - one with a white background and another with a black background. Choose between three sizes - small (20 x 20cm), medium (30 x 30cm) or large (40 x 40cm).

Send it as an email attachment or print it out.

Once you've uploaded your images, we'll send them to our printing partner who will then print your image onto high quality canvas. We'll also attach a wooden hanger so you can hang it up straight away!

Order online now!

You can order your frame online now using our secure checkout process. Simply select the size and colour options you'd like and add any additional details such as names, dates, messages etc. Then choose how you would like us to deliver your frame - either via post or courier.

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